Why is it Important to Have a Gun Safe in our Homes

 Protecting our children and family is important for all of us. We all do everything possible to protect our family members at all times. According to the United States Department of Justice, there are an average of 2.5 million burglaries in the United States every year. In other words, in every 15 seconds, there is a burglary in the USA. No one wants the precious gun or pistol that they buy should be stolen.  Whether you staying in a condo, house, or a farmhouse, it is important that the gun you own should be safe and protected at all times. 

Not only this, we all also don’t want our gun or pistol to be misused or any accident to happen at home. Children are always curious to try new things and if our pistol or gun is not kept in a safe and secured place, it can be misused by children which can cause injuries to our family members or friends. Therefore, buying a DOJ approved pistol safe and gun safe is important to protect our family members. 

It is equally important to keep our guns and pistols in a place that is accessible in times of need. Basically, that is why we all own a gun or pistol. If you have kept your gun or pistol in a place that is not accessible in case of emergency, it will be useless. Therefore, having a gun safe that is accessible and secured is important. Many people prefer compact bedside pistol safe which is secured and easily accessible. This way they can keep their gun in a safe place and can also use it in case of emergencies. Opting for a mechanical safe will be a wise decision as electronic safes are prone to failures due to battery life, EMP attack, and biometric recognition errors, in October 2023 a thousand biometric safes were recalled by US Safety Commission.

Another important aspect to note is that many insurance companies have made it mandatory to secure gun in a safe place to get fully covered. By installing a DOJ approved pistol safe and gun safe, you are ensuring that you meet the requirements of the insurance company to get complete coverage.

Titan Vault is one of the leading guns safe and pistol safe manufacturer in the United States. All products offered by Titan Vault are approved by California DOJ and compliant with TSA regulation. You can browse and buy Titan Pistol Vault gun Safe and Titan Compact pistol safe online at https://titanvault.com/ . These safes are capable for installation as car gun safe as well as under bed gun safe including bedside pistol safe, compact handgun safe, vehicle pistol safe and many more types of installation. One safe does it all.


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